Membership Levels and Benefits

Join Our Community as a Company or as an Individual

  • Individual Membership for professional and entrepreneurs who wish to support and participate in the chambers’ activities
  • Different levels of company memberships for the specific needs of businesses in different sizes and levels of involvement
  • Privileged access as an executive donor to shape the future of Estonian-Swiss relations

Individual Membership

Ideal for independent professionals, freelancers and entrepreneurs


  • Exclusive network across markets and industry sectors in Switzerland and Estonia
  • Event participation with special member rate and possibility to bring one guest
  • Individual annual membership fee: 250 CHF

Business Startup Membership (Silver)

Ideal for early-stage and small businesses with up to approx. 15 employees


  • New connections to potential clients, partners, and investors with active matchmaking
  • Promotion of member businesses and introduction of new members in events and social networks
  • Possibility for co-creation of events and activities as a startup chamber member
  • Startup membership fee 450 CHF

Business Corporate Membership (Gold)

Ideal for established larger companies to strengthen their ties between Switzerland and Estonia


  • Provides market insights and valuable connections for market entries and for growth in Estonia and Switzerland
  • Access to invitation-only events and possibility to host and sponsor events
  • Visibility on ECCS website with company logo and possibility to promote company events
  • Corporate membership fee 1000 CHF

Executive Donors (Platinum)

Ideal for companies and individuals committed to making a significant impact on Estonian – Swiss business relations


  • Public recognition as a leading contributor to the chamber with the company’s logo on all ECCS invitations
  • Invitation to official delegation visits and personalized advice and high level introductions
  • Privileged access to the chamber’s board through meetings and personalized mentorship with carefully selected board member
  • Donor contributions starting from 5000 CHF

Member Referral Program

Member Referral Program is a rewarding opportunity for our existing members to earn substantial discounts on their upcoming membership renewal fees by referring new members to our Chamber. It’s our way of saying thank you for contributing to the growth of our community!

Here’s How it Works:

When a new member applies, they should mention the name of the referring existing member on the application form.

Referral Discounts:

  • Receive a 10% discount on your next year’s membership fee for each referred Individual Bronze Member or Startup Silver Member who joins the chamber.
  • Earn a 20% discount for every new Corporate Gold Member you refer.
  • Enjoy a whopping 50% discount for each referred Donor Member.

Terms & Conditions

The referral discount will apply to the next calendar year’s membership fee.

The new member must state the name of the existing member on the application form at the time of applying to validate the referral.

Discounts are non-transferable and cannot be redeemed for cash.

Multiple referrals are welcome. If the total discount earned exceeds the total payable amount for the membership fee for the upcoming year, the excess discount can be carried over to the following calendar year.

We believe that a growing, diverse membership enriches our Chamber and enhances the opportunities for networking and collaboration. Thank you for helping to expand our community and making it more vibrant and resourceful!